Home Office Organization (WFH) Tips

Home Office Organization (WFH) Tips

In light of recent events, working from home (WFH) has become the new trend to keep companies, families, and all personal safe. As we pivot to a WFH environment it is important that our home office organization is set up for success!

Raise your hand if you were one of the lucky individuals who escaped office germs with your computer monitors, keyboard, and mouse? How did it feel taking these items home, to your sanctuary of relaxation? Did you face challenges of where to set up your new WFH desk? How was your productivity? 

Your Ideal Workspace 

So the main question is how do we apply the KonMari Method™ to our home office organization? The first step is to start redefining your “ideal workspace”. You may already have a space allocated like an office, a guest room with a desk, or maybe an in-kitchen office? 

Your home office organization should support the type of work you do. If you spend much of your day on Slack and email, for example, you may be fine working in an open space. If you are on conference calls or zoom video conferencing you will want to have a more private space. Think about your work style, what is your ideal setup? 

I have seen it all, podcasters recording in a small insulated closet, realtors taking confidential calls in their wardrobes, and executives video conferencing from a lovely space in their guest room. Don’t underestimate the power of a closet or your back deck! Your WFH space can be any space in your home that is ideal for the type of work you do. 

Separating Work from Personal Space

Once you have a good structure for your home office organization, make sure it is unencumbered by your personal items that could distract you from your work. For example, working in a station where your personal work like bills, mail, a stack of papers is out of sight, keeps you focused during a traditional 9-5 day. When we create our station with intention, it is much easier to clean and keep organized. This is one of my favorite benefits of the KonMari Method™. 

When I saw professionals walking out of their office buildings last week with their desktop monitors-my first thought is where will they put that big screen? Then I realized that my husband was among these professionals, as the large monitors work better for the type of work he does. To separate work from personal, he consciously stores the monitor in the closet over the weekend, keeping work out of sight out of mind to be able to focus on the personal. Keeping this clear definition might be helpful for others to also keep a home office. 

Be Flexible with your Home Office Organization

Be flexible in finding your space and transitioning to daily use. Some of you have already had a WFH day or week, but this semipermanent WFH feels different than the occasional. It can be difficult or frustrating, and every day will be a new experience until you find your groove. 

You may find that you miss your morning commute which helped ease your mind into work mode or your daily Starbucks run. I highly recommend that you incorporate a practice that helps you keep your daily routine. Start your day with a walk around the block, or Starbucks drive-thru. Other ideas include having lunch with your family at home and using spare saved to self-care! In some of my other blogs, I’ve mentioned the benefit of HeadSpace App, which can also help you relax and shift your focus. 

This blog has been inspired by the many clients I’ve been able to help this month as they focus on their home office organization until they can return to their workspace. If you have any questions on how you can turn any space in your home into the perfect office, please feel free to contact me at jane.grodem@gmail.com. Applying the KonMari Method™ to your home office organization sparks joy for me and it will for you too! 

For more information on office organization, visit 6 Office Organization Tips to Implement Today >>

Stay Home & Keep Calm

Stay Home & Keep Calm

6 Office Organization Tips To Implement Today

6 Office Organization Tips To Implement Today